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Enable leading HR experiences and automations that become your competitive advantage.

We offer comprehensive HR solutions designed to meet all your use cases.

AI Parsing

Automatically analyze and classify any resume, cover letter, or application form to not only help you discover candidate potential, but also predict their performance.

AI Generator

Use in job descriptions, interviews or skills assessment tests to qualify candidates, creating consistency throughout the recruitment process and filling jobs faster.

AI Judgment

Digital approval process, using AI to identify non-compliant electronic sick leave papers during holiday approval.

24/7 HR Assistant

Build a ChatGPT chatbot to answer common questions about employee onboarding, internal policies, and performance evaluation.

Seamlessly and securely integrate YOOV AI into daily work

Accelerate Decision-Making

Improve HR to conduct more strategic human resources work.

A Better Experience

Provide an internal information base to improve retention rates through interactive channels.

Simplify The Process

Automatically release and execute workflow to save time and cost.